Tech Tip 20071018
How to use URIs within texts ?
A nice feature of PowerCoach is that it recognizes URIs within texts (URI = Uniform Resource Identifier). URIs are compact strings of characters which identify or name resources. They are typically used to link to websites, for example:
Or you may use an URI to address and identify the recipient of an email, for example:
You can type such URIs into editable text areas. Or you can copy and paste them from other locations. For example, you may want to use URIs within the
. notes text of series,
. text areas of projects,
. annotation text of pictures,
. etc...
On Windows, URIs appear underlined within text aeras.
Note that nothing happens while you click on URIs. This gives you the possibility to position the cursor when you want to edit an URI.
The result is different if you [CTR] click on URIs. The URI becomes highlighted and PowerCoach automatically launches respective actions. For example:
. Your browser opens a window and displays the corresponding website when you [CTR] click a web address.
. Your email program opens a blank pre-addressed email to the corresponding recipient if you [CTR] click a mail address.