Tech Tip 20070124
How can I enter time and date quickly and easily ?
PowerCoach offers many tools and functions to generate and insert date or time values automatically. However, sometimes you are prompted to enter such values.
When entering times or dates manually into the respective fields, do not type unnecessary zeros. For example, simply write
... "14 5" for time 14:05:00
... "9 23 8" for time 09:23:08
... "1 1 4" for date 01.01.2004
Note that you don't need to type the century. Write
... "12 8 7" for date 12.08.2007
... "11 12 68" for date 11.12.1968
To separate the units, just use the [SP] space bar. PowerCoach will do the formatting once you hit the [TAB] key.